An evening of poetry & music
Wednesday 23 June 2021
Kings Place, London
Notes about Now features new songs commissioned by the London Sinfonietta from composers setting texts created by poets in special projects curated by Poet in the City in collaboration with different communities just before and in the recent months of the pandemic.
In a performance that mixes the new songs with live readings of new poetry the evening (presented by Zoe Martlew) is a chance to reflect on what unites and connects us, from the joys of local dialects, and experiences of isolation and the myth of the outside world, to anticipating motherhood in a pandemic.
The event was live streamed on Youtube.
Watch it now on the London Sinfonietta Youtube Channel
Camille’s performance begins at 24 mins 30 seconds
Larry Groves Gennel/Ginnel/Guinnel and Love (words by Kayo Chingonyi)
Kerry Andrew dhonnobad (words by Nazneen Ahmed)
Robert Mitchell Purgatory/Song of the Rejuvenate (words by Fathima Zahra)
Gavin Higgins Kin (words by Joe Kriss)
Camille Maalawy mezzo soprano
Gerry Cornelius conductor
London Sinfonietta